Create your own running plan

What is your motivation to run? I really need a goal to work towards, something set to achieve. And to do that I usually follow a plan. Not any plan - I research different options I can find online, and then make sure it works for me: I adapt it to my schedule and the amount of time I realistically have.

My 2019 challenge

As I mentioned in my New Year's Resolutions post, in 2019 I'd like to keep on running. Not that that is very hard, I know. You just put your trainers on and make your way out of the door, really... And although randomly going for a run can be a great stress relief and -... Continue Reading →

So I joined the gym

From December until February I signed up for a gym membership and I'm still alive! Staying fit during winter - we have all heard of this dream. Yet every year I have this newfound hope/delusion that this winter things will be different!  And this winter I will fit in all my dresses. And this winter... Continue Reading →

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